
On June 22, Garden City High School’s Class of 2024 celebrated its graduation during the 90th annual commencement ceremony held at Warren King Field. Dressed in white, the senior class marched onto the field as the band and orchestra performed “Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1.”

The ceremony began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by student council president Patrick Riffle, followed by the senior chorale’s performance of the national anthem. Principal Kevin Steingruebner then welcomed the students, their parents and loved ones in his address. He encouraged students to make good decisions and learn from the bad ones.

Salutatorian Elaine Wang was the first to speak. She expressed that it’s most important to reflect on those moments that bring us happiness. “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get,” she said. “Let’s move forward with courage, sensibility and purpose. The future awaits.”

Class President Niamh Pfaff presented Garden City High School with their class gift, a $1,000 scholarship to be presented to a senior from the Class of 2025. Niamh was also the recipient of the Julia Maloney Scholarship. She reflected on her ninth grade Algebra teacher MaryEllen Scala, who kept her thinking, smiling, and engaged with her positivity and sunny disposition.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kusum Sinha then addressed the graduates. “As you move forward on your journey, be sure to put in the hard work, own your future, embrace authenticity, and guard your reputation and the world will be yours,” Dr. Sinha said. “Congratulations Class of 2024, the future is bright and it is yours to shape.”

Valedictorian James Nagler began his address admitting that he hated school when he was younger, but how his mindset changed over time. “School was never about the material you learned, it was about the experience learning it,” James said. “That’s why I no longer tell my parents I hate school, I ask them, why it had to end so soon.”

The Class of 2024 chose two keynote speakers this year, English teacher Carlo Rebolini and social studies teacher Michael Stratis. Rebolini, who is retiring, addressed the students with an emotional speech. “The world lies all before you, embrace it and make it your own.” Stratis urged the graduates to listen to their inner selves. “As you prepare to make your way to that future, cultivate your vision, your aspirations, your garden, and I promise you, you will have touched many lives in the process.”

Students were called by name as the board of education presented them with their diplomas. The senior chorale’s closed the ceremony with their performance of “Slipping Through My Fingers,” the Class of 2024 recessed and were officially declared graduates of Garden City High School.
