
On June 1, three exceptional first grade students from Locust School in Garden City demonstrated their outstanding mathematical abilities at the Statewide Championship Event held at SUNY Albany. This prestigious event, part of the First in Math Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament, brought together the top 150 students from across New York State to compete in a series of rigorous math challenges.

Ethan Cohen, Declan Montegari and Ian Paneque, the triumphant trio from Locust School, secured their place at the championship by excelling in the Virtual Regional First in Math Tournament on March 21. This tournament focused on the challenging 24® Game series, testing critical math skills such as fact fluency, problem-solving and procedural fluency. The boys' remarkable performance in the regional contest earned them a coveted spot at the state finals.

At SUNY Albany, the Garden City team showcased their talents through three intense rounds of competition. Their cumulative scores and outstanding teamwork secured them a place in the top three positions. In the final round, they impressed judges with their deep mathematical knowledge and collaborative problem-solving skills, ultimately clinching second place.

"Their achievement is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and exceptional talent in mathematics," said Locust School Principal Eileen Vota. "We are incredibly proud of Ethan, Ian and Declan. Their success not only brings pride to our community but also highlights the potential of our youngest learners to excel in challenging academic endeavors."

The impressive showing at the state championship underscores the effectiveness of integrating engaging math programs like First in Math into the curriculum. The achievements of Ethan, Ian and Declan inspire their peers and demonstrate the value of early exposure to advanced mathematical concepts.