ssep winner

Garden City Middle School is thrilled to announce the selection of finalists for the prestigious Student Spaceflight Experiment Program. After months of diligent work and collaboration, these seventh grade students have demonstrated exceptional dedication and innovation in their scientific endeavors.

Ninety-three seventh grade students participated in this project-based opportunity, working in collaborative teams to design experiments focusing on how microgravity affects various phenomena. Under the guidance of their facilitating teachers, these students explored a wide range of topics, including the germination of plants, development of brine shrimp and formation of crystals.

The district is proud to announce that Anjali P. Motwani and Tanya Oza, along with their facilitating teacher Dr. Zaferiou, have been selected as finalists for their outstanding project. Their experiment will focus on studying the effects of microgravity on Salvia hispanica seeds, paving the way for groundbreaking research aboard the International Space Station.

Additionally, the district congratulates two honorable mention teams: Emilio Dumain, James Dunn, Audrey Donahue and Evangeline Ring, as well as Benjamin Fuschillo, Molly McAlea, Riley McAlea and Ryan Wagner, along with their facilitating teacher Mrs. DeRiso. Their innovative projects — exploring microgravity's impact on Chamomile and Aloe Vera seeds — have demonstrated remarkable creativity and scientific inquiry.

To celebrate, all seventh grade students proudly wore their GC space program T-shirts, designed by the talented Aaminah Shami. Also, congratulations to Lynnea Li, the winner of the seventh grade space patch design contest, for her exceptional creativity and artistic talent.

The Student Spaceflight Experiment Program provides students with a unique opportunity to engage in real-world scientific research and exploration. The district congratulates all participants for their hard work, dedication and commitment to advancing scientific knowledge.
