Young Authors Contest

Out of hundreds of writing entries, five Garden City students secured winning writing selections in the Nassau Reading Council’s Young Authors’ Contest 2023.

The competition required writers to submit a narrative writing piece, showcasing creativity, passion and talent. The winners are Emmett Debrich from Stewart Elementary School, Reese Smith from Garden City Middle School and Madeleine McCarthy, Hunter Maguire and Shujin Chen from Garden City High School. This accomplishment was supported by the dedication and commitment of Garden City teachers who have cultivated a love of writing in their students. 

In addition to winning the Nassau Reading Council’s Young Authors’ Contest, the five winning writers were invited, with their families, to celebrate in a special awards ceremony. Director of Literacy Lauren Kaufman shared, “I was delighted to see so many talented young writers from Garden City participate in the Nassau Reading Council’s Young Authors’ Contest. Their creativity and passion for writing are truly inspiring and I am immensely proud of their exceptional achievement.”