Stewart 3rd graders

Stewart School third graders Mihai Brumariu, Hyden Guan and Louis Ruhle qualified to represent their region in the 2023 New York Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament Championship Finals. On May 20, the students participated in the tournament at the University of Albany.  

On March 30, the students first participated in a virtual regional tournament in order to qualify and secure a spot in the in-person statewide tournament.

At Stewart School, each grade played the game “24” where the object was to create an equation that would equal 24, however, the game was slightly more difficult through each grade level. For grade three specifically, they were required to make 24 using two-step solutions, meaning they could add, subtract, multiply or divide in a series of two steps.

The district is so proud of these three Stewart third graders for their hard work in preparing for, practicing and qualifying for the tournament.