
Universal Pre-K Information 2025-26 School Year

Application: How and when can I apply for the program? At this time, the Google Form applications for UPK lottery numbers have closed.

Lottery: How does the lottery work? Lottery numbers will be emailed by 4:00pm on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 to all those who submitted an eligible application. The lottery for UPK will take place this Friday, February 7 at 1:00 pm. Eligible families who applied will be selected randomly to participate. There is a limited number of seats available. The remaining children will be placed on a waiting list. Selected students’ families must confirm interest or declination of the offer via email to upk@gcufsd.net by Wednesday, February 26th. Parents must fully register their child with Garden City’s central registration office by April 1, 2025 in order to attend. If a family declines the offer or does not register their child, the next student on the waiting list will be offered a place in the program.

Eligibility: Who is eligible for the Garden City 2025-2026 UPK program? Children who turn four on or before December 1, 2025, and are first eligible for kindergarten in September 2026 are eligible to enroll in the district’s lottery system to participate in UPK. Students must be Garden City residents and provide evidence of required immunizations as well as an updated physical examination to register. Students eligible for kindergarten (who turn five on or before December 1, 2025) are not eligible for the Universal Pre-K program, per state eligibility requirements.

School Age Calculator

Registration: How do I register? What information is required? Eligible families selected by the lottery will be notified and must register through our Central Registration Office. The registration process must be completed by April 1, 2025.

Dates: When will the program begin? When will it end?Garden City’s UPK program will begin in September, 2025, and it will follow the district calendar for elementary student attendance.

Class Size: How big will the classes be? Classes will be no larger than 20 students with one teacher, one assistant and one aide.

Food & Allergies: Will snacks and lunch be provided? Snacks will be provided at no cost. Parents may send in their own snacks and lunch as well.

Location: Where will UPK program be located? UPK will be offered at the Homestead School, at Harbor Child Care in Roslyn, Harbor Child Care in Mineola, and Our Precious Angels in Garden City. Additional seats may become available.

Open House and Orientation: Will we get to see the program and meet the teachers before September? Yes, there will be an informational parent meeting before school opens.

In-Person Orientation: Prior to the start of school, parents will receive an invitation from SCOPE, Harbor Child Care or Our Precious Angels, depending upon placement, to visit classrooms and meet the teachers.

Provider: Who will run the Garden City UPK program? The contract to run Garden City’s UPK program is being fulfilled by SCOPE Education Services, Harbor Child Care, and Our Precious Angels. Garden City Public Schools may have additional Community-Based Organizations as partners.

Special Education Services: If my child receives prekindergarten special services, can they be scheduled during the program hours? Yes, services may be provided depending upon the child’s services. When possible, UPK providers will work with service providers to schedule services during program hours according to when they best fit into the child’s schedule. Contact PPS at (516) 478-1500 with questions related to special prekindergarten services.

Teachers and Curriculum: Who will teach the program? What will they teach?

NYS certified teachers will teach the program.

  • Teachers will follow the New York State Prekindergarten Foundation and the Next Generation Learning Standards.

  • Approaches to Learning – how children become involved in learning and acquiring knowledge.

  • Physical Development and Health – children’s physical health and ability to engage in daily activities.

  • Social and Emotional Development – the emotional competence and ability to form positive relationships that give meaning to the children’s experiences in the home, school, and larger community.

  • Communication, Language, and Literacy – how children understand, create, and communicate meaning.

  • Cognition and Knowledge of the World – what children need to know and understand about their world and how they apply what they know. This domain is a direct reflection of the content, competencies and knowledge of the Next Generation Learning Standards.

Times/Length of Day: This full day program will run from approximately 9am until 2pm Monday through Friday and will follow the Garden City School District calendar.

Tuition: If my child was not selected by lottery to participate, can I pay tuition for them to attend? No.

Transportation: Will transportation be provided Transportation will not be provided for UPK.

Waiting List: When will I be notified if my child is accepted from the waiting list? Notifications will be made on a rolling basis as spaces become available.