Bond Passes - Thank You!
Thank you to all residents who participated in the district’s bond referendum vote. The referendum was approved by 637 yes votes to 207 no votes. The district will keep the community updated on the progress of the projects as we move forward. Thank you again for your support and for voting despite the winter storm!
Bond Information
The Garden City Board of Education is in the process of discussing a capital improvement project to present to voters in February 2024. This is part of the district’s long-term planning to support and enhance our students’ experience – both inside and outside of the classroom. We look forward to our community’s involvement throughout the process. All materials developed as part of our plan will be posted to this page. Please check back regularly for updates!
Additional Presentations
Additional Information
Important Dates
Sept. 23, 2023: Initial Presentation to Board of Education
Nov. 1, 2023 7:00 PM Garden City High School: Community Presentation
Nov. 14, 2023 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM: Virtual Forums
Dec. 5, 2023: Anticipated Adoption of Bond Resolution at BOE Meeting
Feb. 13, 2024: Bond Referendum Vote. Polls Open 6 a.m.-9 p.m. @ Garden City HS Gym