A Look into Harbor Child Care – Roslyn

UPK Lottery Information
Resident children who turn four on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible for UPK.
Resident children who are eligible for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year are NOT eligible for UPK.
Lottery Process:
Each family who submits a Google Form will be assigned a number.
On February 7, 2025, the lottery will take place and be live streamed via Zoom at 1:00pm.
Site Selection Process:
Lottery numbers will be used to determine the order in which students are offered seats in the Garden City UFSD UPK program.
Based upon seat availability, the first available seat correlating with a family’s ranked site preference will be offered. (If a spot is available in a family’s first preference, they will be offered that spot. If all spots from the first preference have been filled, the second preference location will be offered, etc.)
Each family will be assigned one lottery number. Families with multiples (twins, triplets, etc) will have one number. If that number is selected, multiples will be placed together based upon availability of seats according to the preference ranking on the Google Form. For example, if a family has twins and only one spot is available at the location of their first preference, they will be offered two seats at the next highest ranking site in which two seats are available.
Below you will find a list of the anticipated locations for our 2025-2026 Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program. Students who attend any of these locations will have parallel learning experiences in preparation for entering the Garden City UFSD as kindergarten students in the fall of 2026.
While all of the locations offer wonderful UPK experiences, each is unique. In preparation for completion of the Google Form required to register for the UPK lottery, please take a moment to review each location’s website.
In-District Location:
Homestead School
Times of program
Out-Of-District Locations:
(Before and After School Programs Available - Contact sites directly for more information)
Anticipated: Harbor Child Care - Mineola
Harbor Child Care - Shelter Rock
Anticipated: Our Precious Angels