Welcome to Garden City High School Science Department

Welcome to Garden City High School Science Department

Curriculum Coordinator

Joanna Rogosich Science Curriculum Coordinator, K-12

Support Science Learning at Home 

The NYSED Office of Curriculum and Instruction released A Parent's Guide to the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards. The guide addresses questions about the new learning standards and connect parents with additional Science resources to support learning at home.

New York State laboratory requirement for admission to a Regents examination in science 

For admission to a Regents examination in science each student must complete the State- mandated 1200 minutes of hands-on laboratory with satisfactory laboratory reports. The laboratory component must be provided in addition to the required classroom instruction associated with earning a unit of credit. Laboratory reports must be kept on file for at least six months after the student takes a Regents examination in science. 

Science Teachers Talk About Their Courses