Physical Education
Mission: Physical Education
The Garden City Physical Education program is based upon the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are the foundation for engaging in physical activity. Our mission is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.
The Garden City High School Physical Education curriculum is a sequential educational program. It is based on physical activities undertaken in an active, caring, supportive and nonthreatening atmosphere in which every student is challenged and successful. We aim to provide every student with a wide variety of physical activities and challenges that will contribute to the development and maintenance of their physical, cognitive, and affective well being. Ultimately students will be provided with the foundation for making informed decisions that will empower them to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
What is Physical Education?
Physical Education is an important component of each student’s school experience. Physical wellness and psychomotor skills are developed through a variety of activities. As a young adult, it is important to acquire and refine skills that will enhance quality of life through a physically active and healthy habits.